Take control of your health, weight and performance

Find a better way to feel great in your body - from weight management to high performance sports nutrition.

Take control of your health, weight and life

Find a better way to feel great in your body - from weight management to high performance sports nutrition.


A holistic and sustainable approach to weight loss and wellbeing

No-one should be trapped in a constant place of deprivation and despair. I’m a nutritionist who’s passionate about exposing diet myths and teaching people what really works so they are free to eat better, live better and feel better.

I offer holistic and sustainable solutions in weight management and sports nutrition, using my knowledge of nutritional therapy and homeopathy.

I support clients online, anywhere. You can arrange a free 15-minute call to find out more.

Everyone deserves to feel confident, energetic, joyful and positive!

What my clients say

My Story

I learnt how to ditch the fad diets and adopt a sustainable approach to weight management and sports nutrition on my own first. It helped me reconnect with my body and nourish it with what it needs.